Who We Are

Established as a registered charity in 1987, the Friends of Chichester Harbour relies upon members, supporters and engaged volunteers who, due to their particular pastimes and connections with the area, are naturally keen to be involved in our mission to conserve and improve the unique beauty of Chichester Harbour.

Drawn from birdwatchers to beachcombers, kayakers to kite surfers, painters to paddleboarders and walkers to windsurfers, for instance, our followers represent a wide variety of interests and age groups, thanks to the incredible breadth of pursuits to be enjoyed across the locality.

Tackling the Challenges

What links us all is that we care deeply about the harbour’s wellbeing and protecting it well into the future, particularly as it currently faces increasing environmental challenges.

With much to address on many fronts, our volunteers assist Chichester Harbour Conservancy rangers in practical projects to maintain our coastline and ensure its viability for the benefit of both mankind and wildlife. Similarly, our team of volunteer trustees is dedicated to identifying deserving projects – as well as sourcing grants and other funding to pursue them.

We at Chichester Harbour Conservancy value our long-standing relationship with Friends of Chichester Harbour hugely. Their generous funding green lights so many regenerative projects around key areas of the harbour. The time and energy volunteered by Friends, signing up for Work Parties to assist our rangers, is also much appreciated.

Yet their contribution is not just generous and supportive, it is vital. It’s thanks to Friends of Chichester Harbour pulling alongside Chichester Harbour Conservancy that so many of our harbourside management and nature recovery goals and aspirations can be properly timed and realised.

Richard Austin, National Landscape Director, Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Did you know?

It is believed that Chichester Harbour was one of the earliest locations for Roman landings in England. What had been the original military base at the time of Roman invasion in AD43 was then developed to become Fishbourne’s lavish Roman Palace by the end of the first century. The largest Roman palace north of the Alps, it is open (along with its formal gardens) to the public between March-November.